

Women’s Sports – Tanni Grey-Thompson in London 2012 Olympics

The Cardiff Born Athelete, Tanni Grey-Thompson Britain’s greatest Paralympian, changed the perception of Paralympic sport for ever. Sixteen Paralympic medals – 11 gold – six London marathon wins and 30 world records. Grey-Thompson, Britain’s greatest Paralympian, changed the perception of Paralympic sport for ever, from plucky hobbyists overcoming adversity to elite athletes in their own

Women’s Sports – Tanni Grey-Thompson in London 2012 Olympics Read More »

Walking holidays for over 50′s- Any Advice?

When it comes to Walking Holidays, Presentation, Practice and Performance are considered top tips in management.  Silver Travel Advisor has come up with 10 ‘P’s to prepare for prolonged perambulation during walking holidays and when trekking with friends.  Prepare: buy your boots early. Half a size bigger than normal, your feet will swell (flights, age,

Walking holidays for over 50′s- Any Advice? Read More »

Too many headers ‘can damage the brain’- Football

Footballers, who have a high rate of heading the ball during games and practices can have brain abnormalities and cognitive problems. Heading is believed to have killed the English footballer Jeff Astle. Astle, 59, who died in 2002, developed cognitive problems after years of playing for England and West Bromwich Albion. The coroner ruled that

Too many headers ‘can damage the brain’- Football Read More »

Physical Education alongside Mathematics and Reading?

Sports medicine specialists say governments across the UK have squandered the chance to create an Olympic legacy of fitness.  They have called for mandatory “physical literacy” tests in schools, alongside reading and mathematics, to help children with health problems and identify future sports stars. Leading Sports Medicine Specialist, Dr Andy Franklyn-Miller warns that the physical

Physical Education alongside Mathematics and Reading? Read More »

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