Incredible Shrinking? – Man & Woman
Many of you embrace getting older and use it as an excuse to throw a party, but others may be right to curse the date on their birth certificates. Reaching another birthday milestone is often cause for hiding away or pretending it just didn’t happen You all know that growing older means greying hair and […]
Signs of ageing – What’s the lab result?
Age is measured chronologically, and a person’s birthday is often an important event. Ageing is an important part of all human societies reflecting the biological changes that occur, but also reflecting cultural and societal conventions. Some dimensions of ageing grow and expand over a period of time, while others decline. Research shows that even late […]
Sporty Sides – Over 55s Show Off!
Those of you over-55s need to plan their activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The activities may include various sports, such as Badminton & Table tennis, Squash & Racquetball, Tennis, Gentle fitness, Pilates & Yoga classes, Gym (fitness studio), Free tea and coffee after every session. As per Westminster Chronicle, Westminster’s over 55s were awarded […]
The Anti-ageing Serum – How expensive?
As you grow older, you may often get worried about looking older. The cosmetics industry has now become a money-making opportunity. It has expanded the line of anti-ageing products. Although the primary market for anti-wrinkle products is women, men are becoming more interested in preventing wrinkles as well. There are now some facial serums, as […]
Do you need Anti-ageing Vitamins?
As you grow older, your body functions a little less smoothly and you become susceptible to age-related and degenerative diseases. You need to take certain foods that can help counteract the negative effects ageing has on your body. Given perfect health and a well-balanced diet, you can get all your vitamins, minerals and trace elements […]

What is The Scientific Fountain of Youth?
If you are a beauty conscious individual, you have the cosmetic treatment of choice. You have the safe, fast and effective methods. Laviv is a new injectible that utilizes your own skin cells to reduce wrinkles. It’s very different from more popular injectables like Botox or Juvederm in that it induces your skin to create […]
Anti-ageing cream from Superdrug!
A new skin care renewal serum is now available. A rare red grape is being used in an anti-ageing range by budget brand Superdrug With cutting-edge skin care such as this it’s the active ingredient that counts. The addition of other ingredients is sometimes just window dressing, added by the big brands. The cream will […]

Is your old mascara reusable?
Is your make up kit hygienic? Since it was not used for quite sometime, there is a chance that bacteria may grow on the bristles, and then gotten into your eyes. Thankfully, you do not have any severe eye diseases from these.. Often, you may have to reuse old ones with your current mascara bottle. […]
Skin Care Device for Anti-Ageing?
For women, looking young and radiant is very important. This is the reason why a lot of companies have introduced various products and treatments to consumers which aim to stop and even reverse the skin’s ageing process. The market for anti ageing products such as anti ageing skin care devices has become very large. Due […]

What are The Secrets to Healthy Ageing?
Although you are living longer in years, the quality of your lives is deteriorating with chronic diseases on the rise. If you look back at the diets of traditional cultures such as the Eskimos of North America or the Mediterranean diet of the Italians, you see several things in common. Despite wide variations in diet, […]
Anti-Ageing Diet – Food Can Keep You Young
Your body consists of millions of sells, as the sells are dying they are being replaced with new ones. The quality of new sells is directly linked to your diet, because to be regenerated properly sells need good nutrition. As we grow older, the process of sell regeneration doesn’t as smoothly as before, it is […]

Young Looks? – Try Anti Ageing Foods for Younger Skin!
As you grow older, your body functions become less smooth and you become susceptible to age-related and degenerative diseases. In reality, nothing can make you younger or older, but certain foods can help you counteract the negative effects of ageing. They won’t make you younger or stop you from getting older, but they can improve […]

Anti Ageing Light Therapy – What Benefits?
I-don’t-want-to-get-old remedies is light therapy. Light therapy is a medical treatment in which beams of light supposedly melt the years away. How does light therapy work? Your body’s own ageing process, coupled with exposure to the sun and pollution, destroys collagen, the connective tissue in your bodies that keeps skin healthy and wrinkle free. Light […]

Effect of Deep Relaxation on Mind, Body and Health
Your lives are full of business and you are constantly bombarded with stressors. Your minds are continually chattering and full of worry. When you are in this constant mental state of agitation, your body is on constant alert; your metabolic rate increases, your adrenal glands overdrive and your brain gives the signal to pump out […]

Fish Oils and Healthy Ageing
The nutritional status and needs of elderly people are associated with age-related biological and often socioeconomic changes. Changes in bodily functions, together with the malnutrition associated with advancing age, increase the risk of developing a number of age-related diseases. Chronic conditions pose difficulties for the elderly in carrying out the activities of daily living and […]