Various Ways you Die – How do you avoid it?
The leading causes of death are combined with the person’s odds of dying from a particular cause to determine, which the various ways a person is likely to die in his or her lifetime. Despite increased medical advances and an ageing population, the global death rate remains constant at 100%. There is no cure. Despite […]

Fruit and vegetables ‘give healthy glow’
It has been known for some time that certain yellow and red pigments called carotenoids found in many types of fruit and vegetables, can have an effect on skin tone. Even a few weeks of eating fruit and vegetables could improve your skin colour. . University of St Andrews researchers monitored diet in 35 people, […]
Healthy eating in older people
The number of older adults in the world is growing both in absolute and relative terms. The greatest challenge over the coming years will be maintaining the health of this increasing number of older adults. Deciding what we mean by ‘older people’ is a little arbitrary. The World Health Organization classifies people aged between 45 […]
Why do more men opt for cosmetic procedures?
In today’s fiercely competitive job market, research shows an increased demand for cosmetic procedures among men hoping that a fresh look will improve their chances of advancing their careers. While men are seeking the same treatments women have long embraced, dermatologists find the distinct differences between men’s and women’s skin biology, facial anatomy and aging […]
Secrets for Youthful Looking Skin!
The struggle to maintain a healthy appearance and state of being is complicated by the number of artificial aids available, and many seek to maintain skin health and vigour through entirely natural means. Fortunately, you can adopt a number of natural anti-ageing skin care habits that ensure healthy, youthful skin. Throughout the ages, women have […]

Health Programme by Bupa Health Foundation and Alzheimer’s Australia
Alzheimer’s Australia is the charity for people with dementia and their families and their carers. As the peak body, it provides advocacy, support services, education and information. Alzheimer’s Society champions the rights of people living with dementia and the millions of people who care for them The Bupa Health Foundation helps build a healthier Australian […]

How do you view Middle Age?
You often think negatively about middle age. It is not a stage of life, which you await with excitement. Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. Various attempts have been made to define this age, which is around the third quarter of the average life […]
How do you improve sense of smell?
You may wish to improve your sense of smell, due to various reasons. It’s closely linked to your sense of taste. Try tasting food with your nose pinched! It is also a required skill to describe aromas in wine, coffee and beer, even tea. And in general, being able to smell the subtleties in the […]

Repeat offenders and their health in middle-age
A life of crime appears to damage offenders’ health once they reach their 40s, new research suggests. Researchers from Cardiff and Texas universities looked at data on 400 men who have been followed since childhood. They found offenders were more likely to be hospitalised and were 13 times more likely to be disabled. The researchers […]
What are the Sensory changes in older age?
As sight and hearing becomes less sharp, you are increasingly at risk of falls and other accidents. They also bring a lot of the pleasures of life, from the enjoyment of music, TV, books or a good conversation, to the satisfaction of a tasty meal. Whatever the cause of sensory loss, there’s quite a lot […]
Who are the Ten Celebrities Ageing Gracefully?
When it comes to ageing celebrities too have to accept the reality, no matter how many birthday they’ve had . Here you’ve got 10 celebrities — folks who have been outspoken about some aspect of ageing with courage and grace: Michael Douglas, aged 66, still looks great because he has decided to grow old gracefully. […]
Why Most UK women still put their faith in White Stuff?
Researchers have carried out a detailed study into beauty regimes, habits and rituals. Their findings are – four out of ten women utilise goods found in kitchen cupboards to look good. The extreme lengths to which women go to were revealed following a comprehensive study involving 2,000 women by sophisticated dairy drink Modern Milk. The […]
Do Researchers dispel anti-ageing cream myths?
You’d all like to be remembered with beautiful and tasteful photographs of youthful days. Though you’re living longer lives, it’s clear that you’re not happy with the effects of ageing. You don’t seem to care that wrinkles are merely indicators of past smiles. Anti-aging cosmetic products have become an industry and the products are freely […]
Eye make-up – What’s the best for older faces?
How much or how little sleep you had, how happy or sad, how much alcohol you drank last night or exercise you didn’t get time to take – it all shows up in your eyes. Eyes are a dead giveaway in more ways than one. The right eye makeup can perform wonders on an older […]
Good Posture to Stay Young!
To live and continue to live a more youthful life, to appear younger and slimmer, you need correct posture, apart from your regular diet and exercise. Eat well and exercise regularly as you turn an adult, if you intend to look ahead for long term benefit. Good posture will do more to keep you looking […]