Which yoga poses can help you in bed?
Yoga Poses which can help you in bed People suffering from physical and mental strain find that the stress of an unfit body manifests in the bedroom as well. Such people find it difficult to enjoy sex.That is where yoga steps in to ease the mind and tone the body. Some of the sexual problems […]
What strange things at night when Sleepless?
Most of you, when you go to bed at night aim to sleep for eight hours or till dawn. Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, you wake up. Here is the feedback from ten persons who wake up regularly at night: Take photos of the city: Brennan Wenck-Reilly, 36, San Francisco, US – Spent […]
What’s the Miracle of Cider Vinegar?
Cider vinegar is made from cider or apple. It has a pale to medium amber colour and has a cobweb-like appearance. It is prepared by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid. To get alcoholic fermentation process bacteria and yeast are added. The alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-formin bacteria. Acetic acid and […]
New generation bionics – Wireless & Touch Sensitive?
A new generation of bionics which can connect wirelessly with the nervous system and feel are under development. The next generation of bionics will try to overcome problems and offer some sensory feedback to the user. The current generation of bionic hands can pinch or grasp using two or more electrodes fitted inside the portion […]
Disease Fighting Pillow Crowned Product!
Technology adapted from heart stents wins at the Oscars of the Innovations World. A pillow aimed at reducing the risk of patients contracting hospital acquired infection and designed to eliminate the allergy triggers contained in conventional pillows scooped the overall award at Ireland’s Product Innovation of the Year at the third annual InterTrade Ireland Innovation […]

High-tech Steam Cleaners or Traditional Mops
Whether Steam cleaner or mop – purpose is the same. These are used to clean and sanitise your floors, countertops, bathrooms and any other space or piece of furniture in your home. As technology advanced, steam cleaners were introduced, when the traditional mops got outdated. High-tech Steam Cleaners have become more popular accessories. The design uses […]
Gene Therapy to get back Vision!
Gene therapy was first conceptualized in 1972, with the authors urging caution before commencing gene therapy studies in humans. The first FDA-approved gene therapy experiment in the occurred in 1990 in U.S., when Ashanti DeSilva was treated for ADA-SCID. Although early clinical failures led many to dismiss gene therapy as over-hyped, clinical successes in 2006–2011 […]
Closer to ‘Pharmacy on a Chip’?
‘Pharmacy on a chip’ devise is used for the treatment of osteoporosis. However, there are many other applications where this type of microchip approach could improve treatment for patients, such as multiple sclerosis, vaccine delivery, cancer treatment and pain management. The whole device is approximately 3cm by 5cm, and 1cm thick, explained co-author Dr Robert […]
Adopt and Enjoy the Fruits of an Olive Tree!
The olive tree is an evergreen tree or shrub native to the coastal areas of Eastern Mediterranean as well as Northern Iraq and Iran and south of Caspian Sea. The Tree has silvery green oblong leaves with white feathery flowers. Olive fruit is a small drupe 1–2.5 centimeters (0.39–0.98 in) long, thinner-fleshed and smaller in wild plants than in […]
Who’s using Braille?
Braille is a form of written language for the blind, in which characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips. It was invented by Louis Braille (1809–52), who became blind at the age of three. While still a child in France in 1821 he came up with the system […]
Can Web Therapy relieve your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Chronic fatigue syndrome is generally accompanied by other specific symptoms for a minimum of six months in adults (and 3 months in children or adolescents), not due to ongoing exertion, not substantially relieved by rest, and not caused by other medical conditions. Fatigue is a common symptom in many illnesses, but Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is comparatively rare. […]

Valentine’s flowers last longer to Keep Love Alive!
Love is eternal. Valentine’s Day flowers aren’t. The fleeting beauty of cut flowers and gift plants is one reason they are so highly cherished. The stunning bouquet of roses… or indeed any other flowers… has arrived and that first flush of romantic delight quickly changes into blind panic… how to keep them alive! Help is […]
Major Advance in Diabetes Compliance ‘Timesulin’
‘Timesulin’ launched by Patients Pending Ltd.,an innovative replacement cap that seamlessly transforms all major insulin pens into a smart pen is simple. It is affordable and easy-to-use solution helps avoid missed or accidental double injections – and the accompanying hyper- or hypoglycemic (high or low blood sugar levels); events that cause people with diabetes daily […]
Key to Healthy Eating – Cooking Skills!
If you teach your children to cook, they’re more likely to grow up to be healthy adults because they will have a better knowledge of cooking techniques, preparing food and new tastes. A study in Liverpool, by City University London, found that cooking classes aimed at both school pupils and adults had a positive impact […]