Stress, Grief & Sorrow linked to onset of Alzheimer’s
antThe memory-wracking disease of Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of the ageing process. Alzheimer’s sets in at old age, when its appearance and course are not only dependent on biological determinants; environmental factors such as stress may also play a role In addition to the memory loss, severed human connections and personality changes faced by […]
Health Concerns hidden by Older Men!
It is time for the health care system to invest in strategies for older adults to preserve their autonomy, mental health and well-being. As older men and women’s health priorities become better understood, a shift in the way health care is delivered and reimbursed will be required. Do men harbour concerns about ageing in good […]
Human Skin self-renewable?
Throughout life, human skin self-renews. Progenitor and stem cells deep in the epidermis constantly produce new skin cells called keratinocytes that gradually rise to the surface where they will be sloughed off. In Cell Stem Cell, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine describe how human epidermal progenitor cells and stem […]
Internet helps Women Navigate Menopause Map!
When a woman enters menopause, she stops menstruating and her body produces less of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. The process of menopause takes years. During that time, women experience moderate to severe symptoms, including hot flashes, interrupted sleep, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms that affect her quality of life. The “Menopause Map” is […]

Genetic Entrepreneur and Genomics X Prize
A relative newcomer to the genome sequencing world has thrown down its glove to challenge others to sequence 100 human genomes for $1000 each, during a one-month period. Ion Torrent announced that it will compete for the $10 million Archon Genomics X PRIZE, which was first set up in 2006 and was revised later. The […]
Nutritional Needs of Ageing and Food Science?
Older persons are vulnerable to malnutrition. Attempts to provide them with adequate nutrition pose many practical problems. The process of ageing also affects other nutrient needs. For example, while requirements for some nutrients may be reduced, some data suggest that requirements for other essential nutrients may in fact rise in later life. Life expectancy all […]
How healthy is your skin?
As you spend a fortune on high-end facial products, you strive to improve the quality and look of your skin; may be to treat acne, wrinkling and general ageing, etc. Dermatologist Susan C. Taylor, MD, FAAD affirms this by saying that medications or treatments should be applied immediately after washing your face. This will ensure […]
Early Lifestyle Choices – Impact on Heart Health Later!
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle from young adulthood into your 40s is strongly associated with low cardiovascular disease risk in middle age. A few adults can maintain ideal cardiovascular health factors as they age, said Kiang Liu, first author of the study. Many middle-aged adults develop unhealthy diets, gain weight and are not physically active. Such lifestyles, […]
Do men live as long as women?
Life expectancy is going up all around the world, so also the longevity of men, compared to women. Prof Mayhew, a professor of statistics at Cass Business School, analysed life expectancy data in England and Wales. He was working out how long 30-year-olds could expect to live. Heart disease His findings show men languishing far […]
Accelerated Ageing linked to Anxiety and Shortened Telomeres!
Aging is not a disease, and the biology of ageing, which varies between individuals. Telomeres play a central role in cell fate and ageing by adjusting the cellular response to stress and growth stimulation on the basis of previous cell divisions and DNA damage. At least a few hundred nucleotides of telomere repeats must “cap” […]
Video Games to promote Healthier Ageing?
Video Games Technology is proving to be a valuable tool for helping people of all ages improve lifestyle and health habits and manage disease. New research showw that exergames have significant benefits for older adults by providing cognitive stimulation and a source of social interaction, exercise, and fun. Thus, the games help them to lead fuller, […]
Do you know how male baldness occurs?
The male sex hormone testosterone plays a key role, as do genetic factors. They cause the hair follicles to shrink, eventually becoming so small that they are invisible, leading to the appearance of baldness. Baldness is hair thinning or partial or complete lack of hair. Male pattern baldness is characterized by hair receding from the lateral […]
Anti-Ageing Botox Prescription face to face?
Botox, an anti-ageing drug is a potentially dangerous medicine and can normally only be prescribed by a Doctor to patients .face to face The General Medical Council (GMC) says new rules will be published later this week to stop doctors remotely prescribing injectable cosmetic medicines such as Botox. These are prescription-only medicines and doctors should assess […]
Do you listen to ‘Silver surfers’?
The stories that elderly people tell you have huge power. They are sad, funny, intimate, tragic, overwhelming and inspirational. Dr Paul Hodgkin of the feedback site Patient Opinion says social media channels are not just for the young. One recent posting we received said: “I am an elderly lady and it seems impossible for me […]
Caring for Skin during Winter!
For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring more than just a rosy glow to the cheeks. They also bring uncomfortable dryness to the skin of the face, hands, and feet. For some people, the problem is worse than just a general tight, dry feeling: They get skin so dry it results in […]