
Diet Foods

The facts that the Food Industry conceals on Junk Food!

Though producers of junk food claim they want to steer children towards more healthful choices, the fact is that more and more children suffer from overweight or obesity problems. Wellness initiatives like Smart Spot are just marketing ploys.  Makers of popular junk foods have an obligation to stockholders to encourage kids to eat more of […]

The facts that the Food Industry conceals on Junk Food! Read More »

DietHeaven lets slimmers have their cake and eat it too!

If you are Health & Figure conscious, you definitely like to enjoy yourt favourite meals.  Diets are dull! Losing weight is easy when you know the DietHeaven secrets. It is an antidote to faddy diets and calorie counting plans.   Take that first step now.  Once you have joined the DietHeaven programme, you can help your

DietHeaven lets slimmers have their cake and eat it too! Read More »

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