

Diet & Exercise with Personal Digital Assistant?

Dietary self-monitoring is considered the core of behavioural weight control programmes. As software for personal digital assistants has become more available, this study investigated whether the use of a Personal Digital Assistant would improve dietary self-monitoring. Overweight and obese adults who used an Electronic Diary Programme on a personal digital assistant did better at staying […]

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Practice Yoga, if Suffering from Type2 Diabetes!

In the real world, yoga classes vary widely. Some are vigorous work-outs involving complicated poses that would not be appropriate for older adults with chronic health conditions. Older adults with diabetes can look for yoga classes designed specifically for older people and those with chronic medical conditions. In the U.S., hospitals and local community centers

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What are Benefits of Leisure and Recreation?

Recreation is an activity freely chosen in free time and produce feelings of well being, fulfillment, enjoyment, relaxation and satisfaction. It is also an opportunity to express creativity, achieve and master new things and feel good about doing so.  Community based recreation offers an opportunity to meet people while enjoying a range of social, cultural

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Bionic legs by Scots engineers on sale?

The micro-processor limbs, known as “bionic legs”, are available to service personnel who have been wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan and will offer them greater stability and mobility. Injured military personnel who have legs amputated are to be given the most up-to-date prosthetic limbs.  The new technology provides better stability and greater mobility, as well

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