
Summer Grilling Safety Tips

b9743726-a53d-42bb-972d-df0a94b35bc1Summer is finally here and many people are anxiously ready for planning to cook outdoors. However, while grilling and hosting barbecue parties can be a lot of fun, it’s important to make sure you follow a few safety guidelines to ensure that you and your guests have the best possible experience. The worst thing that could happen during your picnic would be if someone needed to go to the emergency room or the fire de

Here are 5 very important summer grilling tips to follow to ensure the safety of you and your guests:

1. Grill from a distance: Grilling too close to houses, decks, fences, bushes, or trees can greatly increase your risk of a fire while cooking outside. A minimum safe distance should be 5 feet, with 10 feet or more recommended. When you are making foods such as hamburgers or steaks that can drip grease and fat it can cause many flames to shoot up from the grill. You will also want to make sure there are no nearby flammable objects or materials, such as extra propane tanks or aerosol cans. The only things that should be nearby are your cooking necessities and a fire extinguisher!

2. Keep Kids and Pets Safe: A hot grill can be very dangerous to children and animals, especially since they may not realize that it can potentially burn them. Keep kids and pets as far away from the grill as possible and have another adult keep them occupied during cooking to make sure they don’t accidentally bump into the grill.

3. Protect Your Body: It is very easy for grease to splatter when cooking.  Anytime you work near a hot surface, ensure that you take precautions to minimize your risk for burns. Using special matches or lighters for your grill, long handled tongs, and heat resistant oven mitts will all help your skin stay safe while barbecuing outside. Make sure your clothes are not too loose also – hanging sleeves or a baggy shirt could easily catch on fire inadvertently.

4. Never Leave the Grill Unattended: It only takes a minute away from your grilling station for something to go terribly wrong. When cooking outdoors, never leave the area. Make sure before you start that you have everything you need including the food, dishes, utensils, seasonings, and maybe even a drink for yourself while you are working.

5. Follow the Manufacturer’s Recommendations: Different models will have different features and specifications. Be sure that you completely understand the user manual and directions and follow any other additional safety information that comes with your equipment. You should also make sure that you perform regular cleaning and maintenance. Inspect the parts and pieces before use for leaks, if using gas or propane and if necessary call a licensed person to repair.

Following these simple safety tips will help prevent injury to you, your guests, or your property. Taking just a few minutes to do these things can reduce your risk and make sure that your barbecue party is a safe and enjoyable one!

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