
Emotional Wellness

Why Single-Sex Schools Have Negative Impact on Kids?

Single-sex education, also known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. The practice was common before the nineteenth century, particularly in secondary education and higher education. Single-sex education in many cultures is advocated on the basis of tradition as

Why Single-Sex Schools Have Negative Impact on Kids? Read More »

Negative Feelings Damage your Health?

Negative Feelings can have a physical impact by damaging your metabolism, immune system or organs.  Persistent bitterness may result in global feelings of anger and hostility that, when strong enough, could affect a person’s physical health. Harbouring grudges and feeling bitter will not only affect your mood, it can make you physically ill too. Philipa

Negative Feelings Damage your Health? Read More »

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