
Author name: Editorial Team

Chicago Marathon Runner and birth of her daughter!

Medical guidelines generally say that if a woman was a runner and healthy before becoming pregnant, continuing during her pregnancy is fine. Some obstetricians, though, say pregnant women simply shouldn’t run marathons because they could push themselves too hard, while some experts say the level of exercise seldom becomes an issue during pregnancy. Marathon runner

Chicago Marathon Runner and birth of her daughter! Read More »

Pregnancy and Protection against NeuroDegenerative Diseases

No one is resistant to the health benefits of exercise.  A new study says working out during pregnancy will reduce the chances of unborn baby developing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, later in life. A new research report published online in The FASEB Journal shows that mice bred to develop a neurodegenerative disease roughly equivalent

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Negative Feelings Damage your Health?

Negative Feelings can have a physical impact by damaging your metabolism, immune system or organs.  Persistent bitterness may result in global feelings of anger and hostility that, when strong enough, could affect a person’s physical health. Harbouring grudges and feeling bitter will not only affect your mood, it can make you physically ill too. Philipa

Negative Feelings Damage your Health? Read More »

Aromatherapy relieves stress?

Aromatherapy is the practice of using volatile plant oils, including essential oils for physical and psychological well being. If an individual finds him/herself in an anxiety inducing situation or is feeling especially stressful, Aromatherapy alleviates stressful feelings. Simply inhaling lavender, rose, mandarin, lemon balm or clary sage can almost instantly increase an individual’s sense of

Aromatherapy relieves stress? Read More »

Low-Fat Yogurt during pregnancy Tied to Child Asthma Risk

Pregnant women seem to reduce the risk of asthma in children, if they take Omega-3 fatty acids.  A new study suggests a link between women’s eating low-fat yogurt during pregnancy to an increased risk that their children will develop asthma and hay fever.  Children of women who drank whole milk were at lower risk for

Low-Fat Yogurt during pregnancy Tied to Child Asthma Risk Read More »

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