
Why do Women Snack in Secret?

1fa0548e-5b5a-4df4-847a-6fb471780ed7A recent study has shown that one third women snack in secret, keeping their eating habits away from their partners and friends. One of the main reasons for the secrecy is apparently embarrassment about the type of food they eat, and the amount of snacks that they consume. And two thirds of those even keep their snacks a secret from their own partner and half admit they feel guilty after enjoying a treat.

In some cases snacking can be an important part of a healthy diet. Choosing foods that are nutritious and taste good may alleviate the sense of guilt and the apparent need for secrecy.

Crisps were the most popular choice, ahead of chocolate, biscuits and cake. 69% said that they were worried that they snack too often, and 80% said they were trying to cut down on the junk food. Fresh fruit is the healthy snack of choice, just ahead of nuts and crackers.

Dr. Cathy Kapica, Adjunct Professor of Nutrition at Tufts University, and a science advisor to the American Pistachio Growers said: “The odd snack here and there isn’t a bad thing. In fact snacks can be an important part of a healthy eating style. Choosing snack foods that are nutritious and taste good may help alleviate the sense of guilt, and the need for secrecy around snacking. Switching to healthy snacks, or cutting down on the amount of treats you enjoy, would be much easier than trying to keep it secret from everyone you are close to. If you are snacking in secret, it probably means you are eating something you think you shouldn’t be eating.”

The study of 2,000 Brits also revealed that 40 per cent of women hide delicious food or snacks from their partner to stop them eating it, with the back of the drawer or cupboard the most popular place.  Keeping your snacking habit from your partner is not only extreme, but must also be difficult, especially if you live together.

While 31% hide the food away, almost two thirds admit it’s because they want to have it all to themselves. if they eat Snacks like they should be, they wouldn’t be worried about doing it in secret.

The study also revealed that the average woman will have two snacks a day, with almost three quarters even owning up to skipping a meal and having a little treat instead.  Half of them admit they can never go a full day, without having at least one snack in between meals.

Crisps were the most popular choice of snack followed by chocolate, biscuits and cake.

69% of women say they are worried that they snack too often, with a staggering 80 per cent trying to cut down on healthier food instead.

Fresh fruit is most likely to be eaten by those trying to be healthy, followed by nuts and crackers.

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