

Will You Stop Calling People ‘Overweight’?

You’re being told to lose “weight” because you’re ‘overweight’. Does anyone ever stop and think what sort of “weight”? There’s a growing movement to get doctors and other public health professionals to stop using words such as “overweight” and “obese” as well.  There are many who would agree that using the term “fat” to somebody’s […]

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Christmas! – Loved ones are Overwieght?

As the Festival Season – Christmas approaches, the loved ones, all near and dear ones meet together.  At this time of the year, entertainment goes high.  The calorie intake increases, exercise decreases.  You don’t get your regular eight hours rest/sleep every night.  All these factors, result in your overweight. Depression is a condition that can encourage

Christmas! – Loved ones are Overwieght? Read More »

Eating Disorders in Children – Blame Game?

As quoted by the BBC News, “A leading hospital has challenged claims that the “size zero” culture is causing eating disorders in children. Campaigners fear that young children are being influenced by celebrity magazine culture. ‘We believe much of the coverage today regarding children and eating disorders is misleading,” Dr Rachel Bryant-Waugh, Head of the

Eating Disorders in Children – Blame Game? Read More »

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