
Is your old mascara reusable?

0added74-f802-499f-abcc-34f9be1ebbdfIs your make up kit hygienic?  Since it was not used for quite sometime, there is a chance that bacteria may grow on the bristles, and then gotten into your eyes. Thankfully, you do not have any severe eye diseases from  these..

Often, you may have to reuse old ones with your current mascara bottle.  How do you manage?  You need to wash the bristles with warm water and soap.  Then  let them dry on a wash cloth of your choice.

You may need to use a washcloth or old toothbrush to wash your wands.  Now, your old mascara wands have come in use again, and you won’t have to use the one you dislike anymore! You now have several new ways to use your mascara, without costing you any money and hardly time.

Perhaps, the products you bought recently lay forgotten in the make-up bag, brought out to be used with that green dress or pale blue shirt until they are finally scraped bare and reluctantly replaced with something new.

EU rules actually state that bathroom products have to be marked with a shelf life. The ‘12m’ symbol in tiny writing on your lippy means that you should stop using it 12 months after opening. After that point has passed, there is risk of irritation and infection due to bacteria.

The 1000 women surveyed by Debenhams came up with some quite astonishing revelations on their dressing table etiquette. Eye shadows and powder blushes proved the most unlikely thing to be thrown away as they are kept for an average of 15 years, rather than the recommended 18-24 months. Lipsticks are apparently still being plucked out of our handbags 10 years after they were first opened – that’s 8-9 years after the contamination and bacteria has started to spread.

Make-up sponges are another culprit. They should be replaced or washed regularly as they are a haven for bacteria – not something that you want to wipe across your face!

As Debenhams cosmetics director Sara Stern said: “We wouldn’t hesitate to chuck out mouldy or bacteria-ridden food and the same standards should apply to the lotions and potions that we put on our skin.”

So ladies, have an amnesty on that make-up bag. Throw away anything you don’t remember buying and treat yourself to something new!

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