
DietHeaven lets slimmers have their cake and eat it too!

5b5272ee-643e-4aec-8e16-adc059788063If you are Health & Figure conscious, you definitely like to enjoy yourt favourite meals.  Diets are dull! Losing weight is easy when you know the DietHeaven secrets. It is an antidote to faddy diets and calorie counting plans.   Take that first step now.  Once you have joined the DietHeaven programme, you can help your friends also to lose weight.

By taking a gradual and sustainable approach to realistic weight loss, the programme encourages slimmers to re-wire their eating habits and choose natural, unprocessed and vitamin-rich foods. These form the basis of a delicious, wholesome menu that’s a pleasure to stick to.

In DietHeaven, there are no forbidden foods. Women are encouraged to focus on healthy ‘halo’ choices and learn to identify less beneficial ‘horns’ options. The emphasis is on enjoying a divine selection of favourite foods and banishing deprivation – the founders have even created a range of tempting recipes which make it easy to turn indulgent favourites (including chocolate cake and bread) into ‘halo’ foods. “Friends couldn’t believe I was losing weight but eating so much food,” comments DietHeaven’s founder, Karen Hutson. “I’d initially set out to simply eat more healthily as my energy levels were so low. But I soon realised that my size was the issue and that by swapping processed, poor quality rubbish in my diet with decent, natural vitamin-packed ingredients, I was beginning to feel better, lose weight and look great. I lost five stone in nine months and have never felt more alive!

“I believe all women should be given the tools and encouragement they need to make informed decisions about their health, size and shape, so DietHeaven has been born to bring these women together in a supportive, collaborative community.”

As well as saintly ‘halo’ recipes, tools in the DietHeaven armoury include the “Ten Commandments” giving basic guidelines for an angelic approach to eating that’s truly satisfying and works miracles for the waistline. The programme’s e-book explains the thinking behind the plan in detail. Members use the DietHeaven website as their main resource for advice, suggestions, motivation and inspiration from the founder and other members.

It’s a positive approach to eating, acknowledging the enjoyment that comes from pure, satisfying and tasty food. There’s no sense of restriction nor any measuring of fat grams. Unlike many regimes, there’s no fiendish exercise schedule to follow in the background either: Karen believes that everyone will find a natural level of enjoyable everyday activity that’s right for them, as part of their re-awakened consciousness of overall health and well-being.

For further information about DietHeaven and to read about the programme, please visit Membership costs between £10 and £12.95 per month and a reward scheme is in place whereby members can potentially earn back their subscription fee in M&S vouchers by recommending others.

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