Your Attitude to Spiritual Health!
Spiritual health is the ultimate goal of holistic medicine, and leads to a heightened awareness of the Divine Spirit referred to by all religions. Being consciously aware of the role Spirit plays in your life, being spiritually healthy also means being intimately connected to your spouse, partner, family, friends, and community, resulting in social health, […]
Status of Medical devices for world’s poorest
BBC News once quoted “According to the World Health Organization, some three-quarters of medical devices given by rich countries to developing nations, remain unused”. In response, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers has called for the development of technologies better suited to emerging nations. Voltage regulators, infrared sensor technology and ultrasound scanners are just some of […]
Is Homeopathy an answer to Wellness?
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine which was founded by the German physician Dr. Hahnemann in 1790. He was a successful practitioner, but deep within he was very troubled by the limited useful medical knowledge of his times. Homeopathy treats an individual’s entire body, mind and spirit, where all the symptoms are interconnected and […]

Computer feels pain –Wonderful Technology!
Can you teach an artificial intelligence to feel pain? How can an inanimate byte-brain learn the meaning of pain? Pain is a relative feeling. A child falling over and grazing their knee displays a very different reaction to an adult doing the same thing. The fear of needles makes an injection a far more traumatic […]

Use Portable Facial Ionic Steamer For Beautiful Skin
Do you know the benefits of using mini spa facial sauna steamer? Your skin is exposed to various pollutants 24 hours a day. These pollutants are everywhere – your makeup, air, water, and food. The largest part of them is not dangerous, but a number of pollutants can cause long-term health problems. After a long […]

Can You Use Chinese Medicine To Treat Parkinson’s?
Parkinson’s symptoms, such as muscle tremors, slowness of movement and rigidity, are caused by the progressive destruction of brain cells that produce dopamine. Previous work has suggested that an abundance of a protein called alpha-synuclein may be to blame. Current treatments aim to boost levels of dopamine, which only partly alleviates symptoms and does not […]

Depression? – Try Ayurvedic Treatment
Mental depression incorporates various conditions from temporary mood swings, to consistent feelings of dejection over a period of time to severe melancholia with serious repercussions. People tend to take depression for granted, dismissing it as integral to a person’s natural disposition but in reality, it is a clinical condition that needs to be diagnosed for […]

Home Remedies for Avoiding Acne Disasters!
Acne is perhaps the most widely spread and extremely common skin problem, throughout the world amongst older teenagers and young adults, irrespective of gender. It can cause serious skin problem if proper care is not taken in time. Social Trauma is another side of Acne which really forces the sufferer to choose the costly products, […]

Role of Herbal Diet Supplements in Overall Health
Do you feel fatigued, stressed, have difficulty sleeping or even abnormal physical changes, such as brittle fingernails or dry hair? This may be due to nutrient deficiency. Yet, you have not realized to know what has gone wrong. Your body doesn’t get all of the vitamins and nutrients it needs to operate at full potential. […]

Health Supplements! – Have you heard of these?
There is no dispute that supplements can play an important role in establishing as well as maintaining your body’s health. For example, supplements can increase our energy levels, aid in joint and muscle pain, and increase our levels of desire. Supplements offer a natural alternative to many ailments we face on a day to day […]

Tips on the Safer Storage, Handling, and Cooking of Meat at Home
Medical records have firmly established that saturated fat and cholesterol are bad for the heart. Unfortunately for meat lovers, most red meat (like a big, juicy hamburger) can be high in both. It is believed that the risk of advanced prostate cancer is increased with a high intake of red meat. Some types of poultry […]

Homeopathy: Alternatives to Traditional Medicine
Are you tired of having to deal with physicians who never seem to have enough time for you and over prescribe medication that doesn’t really seem to treat the problem? How about insurance polices that don’t cover needed treatments or over charge you for an office visit? Homeopathic medicine offers an alternative means to healing […]

Major Holistic Health Therapies
Holistic health is the state in which we are whole, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally, in rhythm and in harmony with nature and our environment. So, where does anthroposophical medicine or Ayurvedic medicine fit into this? If you’ve ever had an acupuncture session, done some qi gong or been to a cranial osteopath, you’d know […]

A Foot Spa Massager for Total Relaxation
A foot spa massager is one of those products that seem to be more of a luxury than a necessity. But, in today’s hectic world, with the downturn in economic activity and high unemployment, it could really be a life saver. These days people are extremely over tired, over worked and just plain stressed out. […]

Ayurveda Remedy For Headache and Migraine
More and more people are discovering that unlike modern, western means of treating one’s illnesses, the ayurvedic route is much more beneficial. We all know that when we take in different kinds of medications, our body respond in a way that our liver gets affected. Another disadvantage is the ability of different diseases to mutate […]