
Non-Surgical Anti-Ageing Treatments at Day Spas

Non-Surgical Anti-Ageing Treatments at Day Spas

Non-surgical anti-aging treatments may sound like something out of a science fiction magazine, but they are here, and they work. Many day spas offer a variety of these kinds of treatments that are proven to show results. You don’t need to spend a fortune, undergo the knife, or put yourself at risk for a number […]

The Importance of Collagen and Elastin in Anti Ageing Skin Treatments

The Importance of Collagen and Elastin in Anti Ageing Skin Treatments

The cosmetics and skin care market is a huge one and bursting at the seams with millions of aging skin moisturizers brought out by different brands. And yet, millions of women are still dissatisfied and disgruntled with the basket of products on offer, because apparently very few of them work. Women and men have finally […]

Tips on the Safer Storage, Handling, and Cooking of Meat at Home

Tips on the Safer Storage, Handling, and Cooking of Meat at Home

Medical records have firmly established that saturated fat and cholesterol are bad for the heart. Unfortunately for meat lovers, most red meat (like a big, juicy hamburger) can be high in both. It is believed that the risk of advanced prostate cancer is increased with a high intake of red meat. Some types of poultry […]

Homeopathy: Alternatives to Traditional Medicine

Homeopathy: Alternatives to Traditional Medicine

Are you tired of having to deal with physicians who never seem to have enough time for you and over prescribe medication that doesn’t really seem to treat the problem? How about insurance polices that don’t cover needed treatments or over charge you for an office visit? Homeopathic medicine offers an alternative means to healing […]

Why You Should Avoid Under-Eating And Over-Exercising

Why You Should Avoid Under-Eating And Over-Exercising

When you’re trying to lose weight, you might feel tempted to under-eat and overdo it on the exercise, but any wellness expert will tell you that this is extremely bad practise. Many teenage girls commonly under-eat and over-exercise as a part of body dismorphia, striving for the ‘ideal body image’ that the media portrays, but […]

Will Sugary Drinks Push Your Child Towards Obesity?

Will Sugary Drinks Push Your Child Towards Obesity?

Not one, but three studies have recently been published that suggest that sugary drinks, including fruit juices, can put your child’s wellbeing at risk of weight gain – especially if obesity is in your genes. The first study was led by Lu Qi, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of nutrition at the Harvard School of […]

Healthy Cooking Tips for Weight Loss

Healthy Cooking Tips for Weight Loss

By making a few simple changes to your recipes, you can dramatically reduce your total fat intake. This is important if you want to lose weight, as research continues to support the importance of a low-fat diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables to promote permanent weight loss. Even if you only use a […]

Major Holistic Health Therapies

Major Holistic Health Therapies

Holistic health is the state in which we are whole, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally, in rhythm and in harmony with nature and our environment. So, where does anthroposophical medicine or Ayurvedic medicine fit into this? If you’ve ever had an acupuncture session, done some qi gong or been to a cranial osteopath, you’d know […]

A Foot Spa Massager for Total Relaxation

A Foot Spa Massager for Total Relaxation

A foot spa massager is one of those products that seem to be more of a luxury than a necessity. But, in today’s hectic world, with the downturn in economic activity and high unemployment, it could really be a life saver. These days people are extremely over tired, over worked and just plain stressed out. […]

Ayurveda Remedy For Headache and Migraine

Ayurveda Remedy For Headache and Migraine

More and more people are discovering that unlike modern, western means of treating one’s illnesses, the ayurvedic route is much more beneficial. We all know that when we take in different kinds of medications, our body respond in a way that our liver gets affected. Another disadvantage is the ability of different diseases to mutate […]

Recharge Yourself with Ayurvedic Massage

Recharge Yourself with Ayurvedic Massage

The Ayurvedic Oil Massage is carried out with warm oil and is a great way of recharging and rejuvenating the mind and body. The “Abhyanga” (Ayurvedic Oil Massage) is an integral part of any daily routine recommended by the Ayurveda Healing System to bring a person overall health and well-being. A full body oil massage, […]
