Is Lifting Weights ‘Good as Running’?
What do the elite runners do? Well, very few elite runners who focus on events of 5k and up go anywhere near weight rooms. That doesn’t mean they don’t do strength training, though. The most popular form of strength training for elites is running hills. The bottom line is that they spend a lot of […]

Hunger Hormones make you fat!
Why can’t an alcoholic stop drinking? Why can’t a smoker stop smoking? It’s the same with an overweight to reduce weight as the person is always hungry and wanting food. Constant craving Marilyn Walsh, a 38-year-old housewife from London, was unsuccessful to reduce her weight through dieting. What is different about people like Marilyn? Dr […]
Children ‘watch same level’ junk food ads on TV
Children are exposed to the same level of junk food advertising in UK, despite ban on advertising of foods high in fat, salt or sugar during children’s programming. Newcastle University academics said 6.1% of adverts seen by children were about junk food before the ban – the figure was 7% after the ban. Sugared drinks […]
Fitness Regimen or Weight Loss!
Most of you have some unnecessary and not particularly enjoyable habit, such as watching TV, that could be replaced by or added on to exercising. Ask yourself how much time you spend on this habit, and whether or not you could exercise at the same time. If the answer is yes, make a new rule […]
Effective Weight Loss Diet and Nutrition
An effective weight loss diet plan includes fasting. Health experts tell us that fasting diets involving avoiding food are dangerous even if the person does it for a short time. To sustain growth, energy, and health, the body requires a good quantity of nutrients daily. If you do not supply the body with a good […]
Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Have you been trying to lose weight without any success? Then you can follow some effective tips on how to lose some weight listed below. Bad eating habits and lack of physical exertion can be regarded are the main culprits that contribute to obesity problems among people. If obesity is left uncontrolled, then it can […]
Best Weight Loss Programmes! – Review
Choosing the best weight loss program can be a challenging task but it does not have to be that hard if you know what can fit your lifestyle and needs. The best weight loss program can be in the form of traditional dieting that consists of exercise and a proper diet, while taking in dietary […]

Famous Weight Loss Programmes
Since the dawn of time, Weight Loss programmes have been introduced every year. Some have fallen away and been forgotten, but others have stayed in power and are still used to this day. Not every diet works for everyone, but if you are looking for a new idea in weight loss programme, you might want […]

Health and Fitness Getaways or Weight Loss Retreats!
Weight loss has become among the common goals of people around the globe. It’s no longer just about looking good with toned arms and a 24-inch waistline. People have come to realize that maintaining a good way of life has more bearing. Regardless of what the motive is, it looks like a great number are […]

Is Your Pet’s Weight Under Control?
The main reason for obesity among pets is an excessive intake of food coupled with very little exercise. If your pet is overweight, it is likely to face problems with its digestive, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. It will also be more prone to diabetes, arthritis, weakness and intolerance to changes in temperature especially heat. The […]

How do you Keep Your Child’s Weight Down?
There’s a lot of media coverage recently about growing obesity and this trend is not only in adults, but in children too. Modern day children have developed unpleasant health problems related to obesity. The issue doesn’t seem to be improving much! What can you do to improve your child’s health, weight and future? Walk or […]

What Are The Causes Of Childhood Obesity?
Today, the rise in childhood obesity has several causes. The main cause of obesity is that children eat too much and/or not perform regular exercise. They are unable to burn the extra calories through exercises or physical activities. These extra calories translates into fat, and when this fat becomes excessive and more, one will become […]

Do You Recognize And Address the Childhood Obesity Problem?
Has anybody noticed how everything lately is about being overweight or obese? Most people today do not realize that obesity begins in childhood and very commonly starts when the child is just an infant. Doctors today expect a six month old child to weigh about 20 pounds when just a couple years ago, they were […]

Cardio Fitness Exercises & Programmes – What benefits?
Cardiovascular health can never be over emphasized. People need to make sure that their heart is healthy and that they are free from threats of cardiovascular diseases. There are jobs that put people at greater risks and to avoid health problems resulting from a weak or unhealthy heart, one must have a cardio fitness program. […]

Does Swimming Burn Belly Fat?
Doing swimming workouts is an excellent way to stay in shape and burn some calories, but is this really an effective way to burn belly fat? Are swimming workouts good for your abs? As swimming is a cardio workout that does get your heart pumping, your muscles straining, and your body moving, it does burn […]