What are Causes of Stress?
Stress is an inoperable condition, which you may not be able to eradicate throughout your life. Which Is Your Leading Cause of Stress? 1. Finances: Most studies agree that finances are a leading cause of stress. Financial stress has led the list in many modern polls. Some who name finances as the leading cause of stress […]

Do You Recognize And Address the Childhood Obesity Problem?
Has anybody noticed how everything lately is about being overweight or obese? Most people today do not realize that obesity begins in childhood and very commonly starts when the child is just an infant. Doctors today expect a six month old child to weigh about 20 pounds when just a couple years ago, they were […]

Does Swimming Burn Belly Fat?
Doing swimming workouts is an excellent way to stay in shape and burn some calories, but is this really an effective way to burn belly fat? Are swimming workouts good for your abs? As swimming is a cardio workout that does get your heart pumping, your muscles straining, and your body moving, it does burn […]

Will you meet us for your Total Body Rebalancing Retreat at Goa?
Are you stressed out both physically and emotionally? The negative and damaging effects of your lifestyle need a break from your daily routine. You need to try out our Total Body Rebalancing Retreat, designed to suit your requirements for detoxification and reconditioning of your body. We have attractive packages for you, ranging from 3 to […]