
Anti Ageing

Stress, Grief & Sorrow linked to onset of Alzheimer’s

antThe memory-wracking disease of Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of the ageing process. Alzheimer’s sets in at old age, when its appearance and course are not only dependent on biological determinants; environmental factors such as stress may also play a role In addition to the memory loss, severed human connections and personality changes faced by

Stress, Grief & Sorrow linked to onset of Alzheimer’s Read More »

Internet helps Women Navigate Menopause Map!

When a woman enters menopause, she stops menstruating and her body produces less of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. The process of menopause takes years. During that time, women experience moderate to severe symptoms, including hot flashes, interrupted sleep, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms that affect her quality of life. The “Menopause Map” is

Internet helps Women Navigate Menopause Map! Read More »

Nutritional Needs of Ageing and Food Science?

Older persons are vulnerable to malnutrition. Attempts to provide them with adequate nutrition pose many practical problems. The process of ageing also affects other nutrient needs. For example, while requirements for some nutrients may be reduced, some data suggest that requirements for other essential nutrients may in fact rise in later life. Life expectancy all

Nutritional Needs of Ageing and Food Science? Read More »

Early Lifestyle Choices – Impact on Heart Health Later!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle from young adulthood into your 40s is strongly associated with low cardiovascular disease risk in middle age. A few adults can maintain ideal cardiovascular health factors as they age, said Kiang Liu, first author of the study. Many middle-aged adults develop unhealthy diets, gain weight and are not physically active. Such lifestyles,

Early Lifestyle Choices – Impact on Heart Health Later! Read More »

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