Which yoga poses can help you in bed?
Yoga Poses which can help you in bed People suffering from physical and mental strain find that the stress of an unfit body manifests in the bedroom as well. Such people find it difficult to enjoy sex.That is where yoga steps in to ease the mind and tone the body. Some of the sexual problems […]

Yoga Cures For Cervical Spondylitis
If you have been diagnosed with cervical spondylitis you should know there is no medicine to cure cervical spondylitis. However, a few simple Yoga exercises can bring great relief for neck and shoulder pain, especially when done regularly.

The Difference between Asana and Exercise
The difference between Asana and Exercise Yoga and exercise are not the same. Today, most fitness programs teach exercises, Yoga asanas, pranayama, Tai Chi, aerobics, martial arts, etc or a combination of these. Though all of these are aimed at maintaining and improving […]

Neem – The Green Treasure
The neem tree is a tropical evergreen tree native to Indian sub-continent. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 4000 years due to its medicinal properties. Neem is called ‘arista’ in Sanskrit a word that means perfect, complete and imperishable. Most of the plant parts such as fruits, seeds, leaves, bark and […]

The amazing power packed chia seeds
Add chia seeds to your water bottle, afternoon iced tea, or sprinkle them on salads, yogurt, and cereal. One ounce delivers an impressive 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. Research found they can help you eat less by naturally regulating blood sugar, which helps put the breaks on hunger. Chia seeds help […]

India’s Politicians Daily Fitness Routines
What keeps the 63-year-old Narendra Modi spirited through this strenuous campaign trail? His aides credit his ascetic lifestyle and regular yoga exercises. Rahul Gandhi gets his energy from his evening runs and his occasional lessons in aikido, a Japanese martial arts form.The two rivals, as with their ideologies, couldn’t be more different in how […]

The Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana comes from the Sanskrit language; “ardha” is half, “matsya” is fish, “indra” is the ruler (king), and “asana” is pose.

Spice of The Week
Cinnamon has long been used to cure everything from athlete’s foot to indigestion. However, three of the most important benefits of this sweet spice are its anti-clotting, anti-microbial and blood sugar controlling capabilities. The cinnaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets. Researchers have shown that patients with type 2 diabetes, when given […]
Is Child Obesity result of Parent Diet Choice Knowledge?
Parents of healthy-weight and overweight preschoolers are generally well aware of dietary risk factors that fuel childhood obesity, as per study of the families of 150 0reschoolers. When it comes to obesity prevention, the focus tends to be on school-age children and teens, but a growing body of research has found a link between poor […]
Block Fat Cell Formation –Compounds in Red Wine & Fruits
A compound found in red wine, grapes and other fruits, and similar in structure to resveratrol, is able to block cellular processes that allow fat cells to develop, opening a door to a potential method to control obesity, according to a Purdue University study. Recent research into flavonoid compounds suggests they may play a key […]
Appetite Controlling Brain Receptor and Anti-Obesity Medications
An Appetite Controlling Brain Receptor has been detected by scientists at Columbia University Medical Center. The researchers reported in the journal Cell that this very druggable target could mean that a new medication for obesity may not be that difficult to find. Anti-obesity medication or weight loss drugs are all pharmacological agents that reduce or control weight. These drugs alter one […]
Anorexia Sufferer aimed at Banning Airbrushing?
Anoresia or Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restriction and irrational fear of gaining weight, as well as a distorted body self-perception. It typically involves excessive weight loss and is usually found more in females than in males. This restriction of food intake causes metabolic and hormonal disorders. An airbrush is a small, air operated tool that […]
How is ‘Food Insecurity’ linked to Childhood Weight Gain?
Being worried about not having enough food to feed one’s family, a situation called food insecurity, is common in low-income families. These families often are overweight, too. The low-income mothers, who are currently experiencing food insecurity are more likely to worry that their children are eating too much food and tended to offer smaller portion […]