
Experience Enormous Benefits With
Authentic Ayurveda Therapies

Arthritis, or inflammation of the joints, affects both the young and old. While generally considered a debilitating disease, proper management can greatly improve the quality of life for arthritis sufferers, and medication is not your only answer. Whether your arthritis is mild or severe, there are many natural ways to manage the condition.

Retreat Elements:

Find healing beyond medication; we show you the way

Think About It:

“You can’t go through life allowing pain to dictate how you behave.” Adam Braverman, Parenthood


You can’t cure arthritis, but you can definitely help your body and mind stay healthy.

Our solutions help you:

Are You Ready to Experience the solutions that You need? Well, we help you..


The retreat included a luxury stay, great food that was personalized nutritionally balanced ayurvedic vegetarian meal, daily pranayama session or meditation workshop, daily session of wellness relaxing spa treatment, daily educational talks, workshops & group discussions.

Theodore Lewitz Fertility Retreat

The retreat included a luxury stay, great food that was personalized nutritionally balanced ayurvedic vegetarian meal, daily pranayama session or meditation workshop, daily session of wellness relaxing spa treatment, daily educational talks, workshops & group discussions.

Sandra Oh Diabetes Management Retreat

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