Best Home Remedies for Flu

Best Home Remedies for Flu

The term flu is used to refer a common viral infection, influenza, which affects the nose, throat, lungs, including the complete upper respiratory system. The common symptoms are high temperature, headache, chills and sweats, runny nose, and a complete loss of appetite. Some people have symptoms like back aches, fatigue, and feeling of being washed […]

Age-Old Hemorrhoid Natural Cures, Better Than Pharmaceutical Concoction

Age-Old Hemorrhoid Natural Cures, Better Than Pharmaceutical Concoction

It is difficult to deal with something that you cannot see. Internal hemorrhoids, unlike the external piles, happen inside the anus and the person only recognizes this when he or she sees blood on his or her underwear or a tissue paper after bowel movement. The piles occur when this condition is outside the rectal […]

Tips for Entertaining Guests on Diet

Tips for Entertaining Guests on Diet

When you entertain guests, sometimes it becomes a bit difficult, since so many people are on diets today. It always seems like someone is on one diet or another, which can make it tough to figure out a menu that will please all of your guests. To help you make all the dieters on your […]

Supplements that Support Mental Wellness and Focus

Supplements that Support Mental Wellness and Focus

Mental wellness and health are important to most of us. As we are living longer, how well our minds function is critical. Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental issues afflict far too many people today. There is help out there that may improve mental health without drugs or other expensive treatments. Everyone desires good mental […]

Increasing Popularity of Holistic and Spiritual Retreats

Increasing Popularity of Holistic and Spiritual Retreats

Why Spiritual and Yoga Retreats are so Popular Today? Wellness and Yoga is seeping deep into Western Culture too in recent years, as is shown in the rising number of people booking spiritual, wellness and yoga retreats all over the world. Leaving it all behind: For some, the realisation that they can enjoy a break […]

Tropical Fruit Salads - Delicious and Colorful!

Tropical Fruit Salads – Delicious and Colorful!

It is amazing what the color of fresh fruits can do to add that extra dash of design to your home decor. People have often purchased permanent (or plastic) fruit bowls for show. Nonetheless, sometimes you can have the best of both worlds: beautiful, colorful fruits prepared in simple recipes that your friends and family […]

Reduce Risk of Cancer by Adding Fresh Herbs to Your Cooking

Reduce Risk of Cancer by Adding Fresh Herbs to Your Cooking

Normally, when food is being prepared in homes, the aroma that fills the air allows our digestive system to kick into gear, starting with the process of salivation so that by the time we eat, the rest of the digestive processes flow more freely. That’s also one more reason why home-cooked meals are not only […]

Spiritual Wellness Can Improve Your Well-Being

Spiritual Wellness Can Improve Your Well-Being

Your spiritual wellness and well-being are a part of the same healthy life. When your spiritual wellness is strong you will feel better inside and out. Providing a better outlook on life for yourself will translate to a better mental health. You will feel happy, stronger and in control of your physical body when illness […]

Top Cooking Tips for Lowering Fat In Diet

Top Cooking Tips for Lowering Fat In Diet

Many people are looking for ways to adopt a healthier lifestyle. If you are looking for ways you can eat healthier, cooking at home is definitely a great idea. Of course, even when you are cooking at home, you want to avoid cooking high fat dishes that pack on the pounds. Learning how to lower […]

Kitchen Gadgets - Making Life Easier

Kitchen Gadgets – Making Life Easier

Cooking dinner can be a real chore, especially if it’s for a family. When you’re crunched for time and don’t know what to make, you’ll often end up eating junk food, or going out to a restaurant and spending more than you mean to. Fixing dinner only gets harder, if you don’t have much in […]

Healthy Lifestyle Food Choices for Family

Healthy Lifestyle Food Choices for Family

The best way to living a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy and forming healthy eating habits for the long run, has always come from within, within the home that is. We cannot look to others, books, magazines and publications for making us a healthy family or giving us the healthy lifestyle we would want to live. […]

How to deal with the challenges of retirement

How to deal with the challenges of retirement

Retirement is a time that receives little attention from popular culture. We all think of it as something to look forward to, but tend to be oblivious of the challenges that it can bring. Even people of retirement age do not necessarily have the proper preparation to suddenly stop their working life. After the first […]

Using Homeopathy for Detoxification

Using Homeopathy for Detoxification

Homeopathy for detoxification is a method that your homeopathic practitioner prescribes you (the sick) diluted agents in undiluted doses, produce similar symptoms in the healthy person. It is an approach that is holistic and uses doses of natural substances that are absent harmful side effects. Homeopathic medicine has to be prescribed according to your particular […]

Natural Anti Ageing Therapy for a Younger Looking You

Natural Anti Ageing Therapy for a Younger Looking You

There is just no stopping the ageing process. You may be in your late twenties or early thirties now, but you may already notice that you don’t look as youthful as you were, say, five or ten years ago. Sooner or later, you’ll be in your forties and fifties and you’ll be wondering what has […]

What Will You Get Out Of An Online Weight Loss Programme?

What Will You Get Out Of An Online Weight Loss Programme?

Weight loss can reduce your wellness risks of diabetes and heart disease, but there are so many options out there that it’s difficult to know which the best options for you are. When you invest your time, money and effort into your wellbeing, you want optimum results from a method that suits you. Diet and […]
