Chinese Herbal Medicine - Features and Benefits

Chinese Herbal Medicine – Features and Benefits

Chinese herbal medicine is an ancient holistic system that provides the foundation for someone to lead a happier, healthier and more stress free way of living. This Chinese medical system has been in existence for over 3,000 years and has been used to help diagnose, treat, cure and prevent a vast array of health problems […]

Botox - Quick Fix Ageing Treatment

Botox – Quick Fix Ageing Treatment

It is the treatment of choice for celebrities and the saving grace for many trying to stave off the signs of ageing and a life lived to the full. Had too many late nights, cigarettes or frown lines? Don’t fear that you have to walk around with the tell tale signs on your face – […]

Could Cutting Down On Veggies Actually Boost Weight Loss?

Could Cutting Down On Veggies Actually Boost Weight Loss?

You don’t need a wellness expert, or even your Nan, to tell you that eating vegetables is good for your wellbeing. When it comes to weight loss, the wisdom is generally the same. Vegetables are low in calories but rich in fibre and nutrients, which could not only help you lose weight, but in turn […]

Why Looking To the Past Can Increase Fitness

Why Looking To the Past Can Increase Fitness

Survival in ancient times was tricky, but the human race managed to fight off all kinds of predators, just like wild animals still do today. We can now breathe a sigh of relief that we’re not in the same kind of danger, although you could still benefit from stretching your physical stamina to a high […]

Could stillbirths be caused by poor mental health?

Could stillbirths be caused by poor mental health?

A conference of specialist doctors from around the world have met at the University of Manchester to take part in a groundbreaking research conference which has been looking into the devastating issue of stillbirth, and working out how to reduce it. One of the results that has emerged from this is that the wellness of […]

Fat Busting Foods That Help Burn Fat

Fat Busting Foods That Help Burn Fat

Being overweight is not fun or healthy. As more and more people become obese or overweight we are taken a better look at some of the foods we eat. Foods are both the cause and can be the cure for your weight problems. The obvious eating of the wrong foods and the larger quantities can […]

Benefits of Natural Remedies During the Festive Period

Benefits of Natural Remedies During the Festive Period

With Christmas just around the corner we should start to brace our body’s for a blizzard of rich foods, drinks, treat and indulgences, which make Xmas great fun, but are not especially good for our body’s and general health. It’s a time of the year, when it’s very difficult to, “say no” to things that […]

Importance of Anti Ageing Night Cream

Importance of Anti Ageing Night Cream

While you are young, skin problems are not a part of your trouble as your skin does not show any signs of early damages. You will look your best while young because your skin has a natural resiliency from harsh surroundings. But when one starts to age at 40 evident fine lines and wrinkles will […]

Yama: The first of the eight limbs of Yoga

Yama: The first of the eight limbs of Yoga

Yoga is made up of eight ‘limbs’, the first of which is Yama – this is the practice of abstinence, for actions which we are taught to restrain ourselves from. In total, there are five practices which are taught to be avoided. The first practice is Ahisma, which is the practice of non-violence. This involves […]
