Why Looking To the Past Can Increase Fitness

looking-to-the-past-300x169Survival in ancient times was tricky, but the human race managed to fight off all kinds of predators, just like wild animals still do today. We can now breathe a sigh of relief that we’re not in the same kind of danger, although you could still benefit from stretching your physical stamina to a high level.

From Past to Present

Years ago, human wellness depended on our dexterity, strength and speed, as we outwitted predators and fought to be top of the food chain. We’re still born with all these reflexes and abilities, although there’s less reason to use them. Despite the fact that most people in the Western world live safe lives free from danger, we could still benefit our wellbeing by challenging our bodies and minds with pursuits that develop our stamina. Many experts agree that exercise has a great impact on our fitness – but the benefits of regular activity are believed to have a direct effect on other aspects of our health too. Health writer Richard Restak has highlighted a link between exercise and intelligence, and recently wrote how working out regularly is also good for muscle co-ordination and strength.

What Next?

Fitness experts aren’t suggesting that you need to follow dangerous pursuits in order to shock your body into action, which may have happened hundreds and thousands of years ago. Instead, they suggest choosing an activity that makes your body work in a way that you like. If your chosen hobby makes you dread putting on your trainers and going to the gym then you have not found the right activity for you. Local listings will let you know what’s going on near you, from yoga, to running groups and swimming circuit training. Choose an activity you will enjoy and as well as helping to develop your fitness, you may also reduce brain shrinkage and boost your intelligence.

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