Best Home Remedies for Flu

90e5a0c6-a342-4a7f-bda7-79e2c6be2843The term flu is used to refer a common viral infection, influenza, which affects the nose, throat, lungs, including the complete upper respiratory system. The common symptoms are high temperature, headache, chills and sweats, runny nose, and a complete loss of appetite. Some people have symptoms like back aches, fatigue, and feeling of being washed out, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting in young children. There is no cause for worry as there are simple home remedies for flu, which can lessen the symptoms of flu and help in early recovery.

Elderburry in any form for example, as juice, tea or syrup is a potent home remedy that can help to knock out the symptoms of flu. Elderburry juice can be mixed with lemon juice and honey or it can be brewed as a tea and taken to purify the lungs and skin. It also has the capacity to generate perspiration to reduce fever. It has calming properties and acts as a detoxifier to reduce congestion caused in respiratory organs.

Home made chicken soup takes care of the symptoms of flu and it is also one of the age old home remedies for flu. Rest is also the most simple and effective home remedy because it helps the body to relax and the immune system to ward off the virus. The intake of fruits which are rich in vitamin C like oranges, mango, papaya, guava, etc helps to boost the immune system and provides relief from the symptoms of flu.

Dry cough which is a symptom of flu tires the body and prevents the patients from getting enough sleep. Therefore, to prevent cough it is better to chew few cloves of ginger root or take a mixture of the age -old home remedy that is a mixture of ginger and honey. To prevent cough, honey can also be mixed with a cup of hot water and taken. Garlic, the kitchen queen, when taken initially, lessens the severity of the symptoms of flu.

Flu is always accompanied by vomiting, diarrhoea, etc.  The body suffers from dehydration. So the herbal remedy to counter dehydration is to have a good intake of liquids. The patients should have plenty of water, fruit juices, warm soups, herbal teas, electrolytic beverages etc to keep the body well hydrated. An important thing that the patient should avoid is caffeinated drinks and also alcohol. Keeping indoors humidified is another effective home remedy because the moist air helps to prevent the spread of flu and also relieve nasal congestion.

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