Treating Thyroid with Yoga
Yoga and Thyroid Yoga is effective in thyroid diseases treatment. The thyroid gland or simply thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in our body. The thyroid is situated in front of the neck and it quite visible when it enlarges, especially when we swallow. Enlargement of the thyroid gland is one of the […]

What’s the Physical Activity for Children and Youth?
The thought of exercise doesn’t make Children and youth jump for joy, but no one was born with a ‘rubbish-at-sport’ gene. So, however hopeless you think you are, there’s an activity out there to suit you. In an official recent survey, doctors found 17 per cent of boys and 16 per cent of girls between […]
Too many headers ‘can damage the brain’- Football
Footballers, who have a high rate of heading the ball during games and practices can have brain abnormalities and cognitive problems. Heading is believed to have killed the English footballer Jeff Astle. Astle, 59, who died in 2002, developed cognitive problems after years of playing for England and West Bromwich Albion. The coroner ruled that […]
How to Stay Fit For Surfing!
Is staying fit and in-shape and being able to move is ever a problem for you? Perhaps, you are interested in sports. Surfing has been one of the many exciting sports that people are engrossed with especially with those who love to go to the beaches. Indeed, surfing is a great sport to enjoy especially […]
Have You Tried Outdoor Fitness Activities?
Have you ever tried Outdoor Activities, where you can enjoy the nature with fresh air and sunshine? There are many outdoor fitness activities you can choose from to help you stay in shape. If you are able to get a group of friends together, you can try some team sports or activities. The first outdoor […]
Six Pack Abs – No Belly in One to Two Weeks!
Fantastic! You just watched an infomercial showing how to get six pack abs in fourteen days or less. You are inspired and ready to go. Two weeks is nothing when you look in the mirror and see your abs where you once had none. Here are the steps to achieve this goal. The first one […]
Outdoor Fitness – Destress your mind!
You probably don’t want to get up every morning to hit the same place to work out at, do you? Workouts in the gym can get really boring, and it can even force you to withdraw from working out. You can have a hard time motivating yourself if you tend to routinely work out in […]

Anti-Ageing Secrets to Stay Young
Regular exercise can be a powerful tool in preventing a slew of health conditions, including osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease while ageing. A good emotional health results to a good physical health! This is what is called the “mind – body connection”. Your mind and body are very intimately connected! Your body reacts to how […]

Explain Various Types of Yoga
Most people are under the misconception that there is only one style of yoga. This is, however, not true. There are many different types of Yoga that are commonly practiced around the world. The four largest types of Yoga are the following styles: Bikram, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini and Hatha. These will be the most common […]

Is Yoga A Source of Happiness?
The regular practice of Yoga can be a source of great happiness. Yoga not only helps to keep your body limber and strong, it also supports you in maintaining a good internal emotional state. The devotional practices of Yoga also help to keep you connected to the Divinity residing in your own heart. Depression, one […]

Yoga for Pregnant Women !
Most of the pregnant women today are multi-tasking personalities who undergo a lot of physical stress and mental strain all of which finally culminates into a long and arduous process of childbirth causing a severe erosion of one’s strength and stamina. Under such circumstances, the practice of yoga for pregnant women not only leads to […]

Terrible Back Pains – Try Yoga for relief!
Back pains take many forms, sometimes harmless, but most of the time terrible and dangerous. All the same, both shouldn’t be ignored. Causes of backache include rigidity of the muscles in the back and feeble abdominal muscles. Also, lifestyle may also contribute to backaches; constant strenuous work without a daily exercise is one example. Poor body […]

Yoga Practice for Stress Relief
The benefits of physical activity for mental, emotional, and physical health have been praised over the years, and Yoga is the oldest existing structured method for relieving stress. Some businesses have even started implementing corporate Yoga fitness programs to improve overall employee wellbeing. When you consider reduced stress, increased morale, better employee attendance, and the […]

Anti-ageing Supplements! What are the Side Effects?
Modern day people look older than they are and lose charm and attraction of their faces and bodies, due to inactive lifestyle, eating at irregular intervals, dietary deficiency and increased responsibilities at home and workplace. As a result, people around the world have been extensively searching for some strong products to combat against ageing and […]

How You Can Use Yoga for Healing?
Therapeutic yoga has been used for thousands of years in the healing of emotional, spiritual and physical needs. Today, all types of people from around the world use yoga for the same reasons – which is why yoga matters so much in maintaining a healthy balance within your life. There are several practical ways that […]