Healthy Cooking Tips for Weight Loss

d30a0204-cd5a-499c-8410-87c88caf036cBy making a few simple changes to your recipes, you can dramatically reduce your total fat intake. This is important if you want to lose weight, as research continues to support the importance of a low-fat diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables to promote permanent weight loss. Even if you only use a few of these simple healthy cooking choices, you can greatly decrease your fat intake.

These simple substitutions in your recipes will help you dramatically reduce your intake of excess saturated and hydrogenated (the bad fats) fat. This will greatly improve your health and promote almost effortless weight loss. The key to healthy cooking is to decrease the fat and calories while at the same time adding nutritional value to the food. You are only successful, if you have not sacrificed the quality of the final product.

Here are favorite tips:

  • Rinse your ground beef with hot water. Do this after browning and draining it. This will decrease the fat content in the meat by up to 50% without removing the flavor. Do not add your spices and vegetables until after you have rinsed the meat.


  • Substitute chicken broth for butter. This works well for all rice, pasta or stuffing dishes. Remember to spray your casserole dish with cooking spray to prevent sticking.

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