
Any Alternatives to Viagra?

6d109a6e-58ec-4f42-998c-18e0208eec3bViagra (sildenafil) is a drug, used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body.  This revolutionary product  was introduced about 15 years ago.

Drug treatments are now readily available to men with erectile dysfunction, though a major US study last week suggested that a change of diet and an increase of physical activity was all that was needed to reverse the problem.

Clinical trials have stated that men given both drugs and changing their lifestyle saw a more beneficial change. As with all medication, there can be some adverse side effects such as nausea and headaches, but the success rate of the product has been calculated as being as high as 80 per cent.

With the market booming, scientists have come up with some alternatives to Viagra to help make sex fun again rather than emotional turmoil.

Viagra Condom

Condoms is actually a psychological issue; a man often thinks they won’t have the same sensation with a condom and that generally has an impact. The Viagra Condom contains a drug that increases blood flow and helps maintain an erection. This may get more men using condoms which then promotes safe sex – always a good thing. The special condom will be available within the next few months at pharmacies.

Shockwave Treatment

Sounds scary. Israeli doctors are pioneering a new technique using low frequency shockwaves to alter the tissue inside the penis in a bid to improve blood flow. It is said that the treatment is painless and has achieved good results so far.

Delay Spray

One for premature ejaculation. Already on sale, it does exactly what it says on the tin.  The spray anaesthetises the penis to reduce sensitivity, thus slowing down the ultimate goal. Watch out for allergic reactions though – a sensitivity test elsewhere is definitely recommended before first proper use!

Now for women:  It’s claimed that up to 40 per cent of females suffer from sexual problems, but it is generally thought that a low libido is an emotional problem rather than a physical one. But never fear, those scientists are developing more drugs to help! The main one of interest is called Testosterone Gel which an American drug firm is developing especially for woman experiencing a flailing libido. The gel is rubbed into the arm and absorbed through the skin. In a clinical trial, the results increased sexual desire/events by an astonishing 238 per cent.

If you are a couple with some issues, go with the emotional as well as the physical. The perfect evening? Dinner, a movie and some Delay Spray. Enjoy.

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